Most people today have herd the term Development or Design in respect to websites, online stores and web software but do they actually know what these are and what each part entails. Design – refers to the actual creation of your website visually. This is either done in Photoshop or Illustrator and is only a visual representation, an image if you will and then that design needs to be developed. Development (Coding) – Is taking a concept visually or conceptually and use …
Tag: throwback thursdays
10. Transistors Transistors were first developed in 1947 by Bell Laboratories and allow precise control of the flow of current through circuit boards. A transistor is the active component in almost all modern electronics systems. Moore’s law predicted that over the history of computing hardware the amount of transistors in integrated circuits will double every two years, influencing their impact on the evolution of technology. 9. Graphene Graphene will completely revolutionize technology. Created at the University of Manchester, UK, graphene …
In Palo Alto there is a house with a plaque that labels it as the birthplace of electronics. It was in that house in 1912 that Lee de Forest and his collaborators first successfully utilized the vacuum tube to amplify sound. This technology became the basis for radio, radar, television, tape recorders and ultimately electronic computers. De Forest and his associates were working for the Federal Telegraph Co. which had been established in Palo Alto in 1909 by people associated …
When people think of Google they think of Google Search however, their search would not be worth a dime if it wasn’t for their PageRanking algorithm. The PageRanking algorithm is used by Google Search to rank websites in their search engine results. PageRank was named after Larry Page, one of the founders of Google. PageRank is a way of measuring the importance of website pages. According to Google: PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to …